Better Blogging Made Easy

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You don’t have to be a master wordsmith when it comes to blogging, but readers will appreciate it when you make an effort to share your best writing. Lots of us are born with the gift of gab, but committing those ideas to ink (or in this case pixels) is another story entirely.

We’ve all prematurely hit “publish” and later looked back to spot a typo or two–or even worse, realized that our ideas are interesting but unorganized and hard to follow. If you’re intimidated at the prospect of sharing your thoughts online, don’t be scared. There are a few simple things you can start doing today to make sure that your great ideas aren’t undercut by your approach to writing.

Create an Outline

If you’re anything like us, you have a lot of ideas to share. Creating a short outline before you start writing can help your posts become more organized. Think of main ideas you want to touch on and then develop points that support those main ideas. Think of an outline as a handy roadmap that will help you avoid unplanned digressions and keep you and your readers on course.

Stay Away From Jargon

Unless you are writing for other professionals in your industry, it’s best to avoid highly technical jargon. Not everyone may know what an “electronic engine immobilizer” is, but if you run a business related to cars, your followers are sure to be grateful for the explanation. Remember, not everyone is immersed in the culture of your industry, so don’t make people feel excluded from the conversation.

Err on the Side of Brevity

When you’re editing your blogs, look for opportunities to be more concise. Are there places where you’re being redundant? Can you replace a long phrase with two or three words? In our attempt to sound knowledgeable, we often lay on more words, turns of phrases and rhetorical devices than we need to. Trimming the fat can be hard because it often leaves your ideas exposed. Can they stand on their own? If not, it may be worth reworking your post.

What are your best practices when it comes to writing? Do you have advice from a favorite English teacher etched into your memory? Share your tips for better blogging below.


Alison has worked with clients of all sizes, from sole proprietors to television networks and financial institutions, including HBO, CBS, Showtime, Charles Schwab, and The Body Shop. In her career at DoubleClick, Google, and Infogroup, she learned social media, email marketing, SEO, and web design from the people inventing the standards. She makes a mean flourless chocolate cake.